It was a nightmare to update across all of our machines. As the IT guy at that job, solidworks created many nightmares with the way it linked files together and would sometimes even change master files even though the changes were made on copies. I would create a copy in a completely different drive on the server using file explorer and open that. I never even had the will to open master files for parts in solidworks. I often found that when solidworks freaked out, it was easier to just delete the file and restart. My main complaint with solidworks is that if the mouse moves a hair it just automatically goes to drawing another feature while I am trying to dimension the one I had just drawn. Each program has tools that suck compared to the version the other uses.

Since I learned 3D cad in Inventor, I am much more comfortable with it. But I used to have a job where we used solidworks. That being said, I have always used inventor for school and personal projects. We can open any file on any computer under anyone’s login. But since the school uses autodesk products and they are free to all students, it just makes things easier for us to use inventor instead. The other way around is not necessarily true unless you are willing to pay 10k for a graphics card.The engineering teams at my school are provided with a few licenses every year. I would say a gaming PC works “well” for CAD. This is not to say you actually need those features for the design of the occasional bracket Another difference may be that a gaming PC works well for smaller projects, but gets bogged down for larger ones. The result is that some rendering features aren’t available with a gaming card.

This hasn’t as much to do with the hardware itself or OpenGL/DirectX as it has to do with the drivers for the cards. Some features simply aren’t available in DirectX. A CAD GPU is optimized for OpenGL while a gaming GPU is optimized for DirectX. The main difference is OpenGL vs DirectX. Siberian Husky vs German Shepherd more than octopus vs llama The difference is in the minute details. I don’t agree they are different animals, more like different breeds perhaps. If you are going to work all day (as a professional) using Solidworks or Ansys or whatever, you would buy a CAD station, not a gaming PC. Define “well” As I said, it’s the kind of software you buy hardware for.