This has been seen many times over, and Wardle referenced the 2013 Adobe hack as an example. "A lot of times hackers will hack into other companies and gain access to a large number of accounts, and then based on those accounts those using the passwords they will try other accounts," said Wardle. The other step is one many people have already said, but you may not have yet implemented: Use a unique password for every account. It's possible for someone to reverse engineer updates to see what was patched and use those vulnerabilities to target those who haven't installed the update. In iOS 16, Apple added another way to protect photos with the ability to lock the hidden folder with Face ID. "Those updates have a lot of fixes and patches for security vulnerabilities," said Wardle. One step is to install the latest iOS updates. The same is true for hackers: They're going after the least-secure devices. They're not going after the house with the alarm system, they're going after the house with the back door open. Wardle compared hacking to robbers choosing houses. There are some easy steps one can take to make sure their photo library is as safe as possible. That being said, it's not a complete impossibility. " you're an average hacker, you're not gonna have the ability to hack iPhones." "Apple has done a great job…creating a very secure consumer device," said Patrick Wardle, creator and founder of Objective-See, a source for free open-sourced tools for Mac users, and a former NSA hacker. If you use Apple products, the good news is that they're already pretty secure. Thankfully, there are actionable steps you can take to store nudes safely and keep your sexy photos where they belong - with you. While the celebrity iCloud nude photo leak rattled the nude ecosystem more than half a decade ago, the fear that something similar can arise hasn't dissipated completely. If you're taking more nudes, though, you may be wondering what the best way is to keep them secure from prying eyes. Taking (and sending) nudes can be a spicy part of your relationship with a live-in partner, a valuable aspect of your connection with a long-distance partner, a fun new way to connect with a date, or, honestly, just a hot thing you want to do for yourself.